From a young age, my parents have taught me the importance of helping the less fortunate generously. Out of __41__, whenever there is something I can offer, I __42__ it to someone on the streets.
Last week, when I left home to work, I carried with me some old __43__, a handbag and some food to hand over to the __44__. As my car stopped at a red traffic light, I saw a girl aged around five __45__ for money. I asked her to come to me and immediately __46__ all the things I had then. __47__ I started handing them over, she seemed shocked. She looked at me with a __48__ smile on her face and asked what was in the bag. I told her there were some clothes and food for her.
Once again she __49__ me and asked, “Can you give me something to __50__?” It was then that I noticed her __51__ lips. It seemed that she has not had a drop of water all day. I __52__ out the bottle of water I __53__ carry with me and helped her to drink from it. She __54__ it quickly and gave me a heartwarming gratitude (感激).
I realized that day that you don't __55__ have to make big donations to help someone. This happening __56__ my belief in the simple acts of __57__. They can make someone's __58__ go better. Next time when you want to do something nice for someone, don't __59__, or wait for the right __60__. Go ahead and do it!
【文章大意】 作者习惯带着一些食物和旧衣物,帮助那些需要帮助的人。
41.A.habit B.work
C.order D.respect
解析:A 作者的父母从小就教育作者给予他人的重要性,所以作者帮助别人是出于习惯(habit)。
42.A.throw B.give
C.introduce D.show
解析:B 本句话点出了文章的主题,就是给予他人,故选give。
43.A.books B.clothes
C.toys D.shoes
解析:B 根据下文的I told her there were some clothes ...可知,有些旧衣服(clothes)。
44.A.lucky B.busy
C.handy D.needy
解析:D 根据上文的giving generously to the less fortunate 可推断,是有需要的人(the needy)。
45.A.looking B.calling
C.asking D.waiting
解析:C 根据上下文的意思可知,小女孩是来乞讨的。故选C项。
46.A.caught B.swept
C.collected D.found
解析:C 根据后文的all the things I had可知,作者把女孩叫过来然后搜集 (collect)自己所有的东西。
47.A.As B.If
C.Before D.Because
解析:A 根据前后句意判断,当作者给小女孩东西的时候,她很惊讶。故选As。
48.A.thin B.painful
C.doubtful D.sweet
解析:D 小女孩收到东西了,回应一个甜甜的(sweet)微笑。
49.A.looked forward to B.looked down upon
C.looked away from D.looked up at
解析:D 根据前面的Once again可知,她再一次抬头看(look up at)我。
50.A.eat B.drink
C.see D.enjoy
解析:B 根据下文的she had not had a drop of water all day可知,她需要喝水,故选drink。
51.A.dry B.red
C.pale D.small
解析:A 根据下文小女孩一天都没喝水了可推测,她的嘴唇应该很干(dry)。
52.A.took B.pulled
C.sent D.carried
解析:A 我拿出(take out)水,交给她。
53.A.seldom B.hardly
C.always D.sometimes
解析:C 这里是指作者将自己经常(always)随身带的水给小女孩喝了。
54.A.held B.finished
C.filled D.cleaned
解析:B 根据前文可知,这个小女孩很渴,所以她应该是很快就喝完了水。
55.A.completely B.necessarily
C.especially D.probably
解析:B 那一天我意识到,帮助别人不需要有很巨大的捐赠,故选necessarily。
56.A.changed B.recorded
C.repeated D.built
解析:C 因为文章开头就表示作者一直有给予别人的习惯,所以那天发生的事情只是在repeat这个信念。
57.A.friendship B.encouragement
C.happiness D.kindness
解析:D 因为此句中的this happening指的是上文帮助小女孩的事,所以是善意之举(acts of kindness)。
58.A.life B.dream
C.day D.success
解析:C 小小的善举会让别人的一天(day)进行得更加顺利。
59.A.come back B.move out
C.step out D.hold back
解析:D 根据句意可知,下次要帮助别人时,不要犹豫不前。故选hold back。
60.A.opportunity B.attitude
C.place D.person
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